Scamp5d Vision System
Development Environment Documentation
Scamp5d is a vision system developed at the University of Manchester. Please see the SCAMP Project Website for general information about the SCAMP project. This website provides programming documentation and usage information for the Scamp5d Vision System.
The Getting Started with Scamp5d (pdf) document contains an introduction to the Scamp System.
Further technical information is provided in the Scamp5d System Overview section.
To setup the development environment, follow the instructions in Installation and Setup.
All software packages can be downloaded from Downloads.
To setup the simulation environment, follow the instructions in Guide for Scamp5d Simulation.
A usage manual for the Scamp Host application is given in Scamp Host User Manual.
Please see the Scamp Programming Guide (pdf) for an introduction to programming the Scamp vision system.
Code examples that illustrate key features of the SCAMP system are described in the Tutorial Examples section.
The main reference documentation page that describes all functions and instructions available on the SCAMP chip can be found in Scamp5d API Reference.
To build a stand-alone computer software to interact with the vision system (e.g. a Python program, or a C++ application), see Interfacing with User Applications.
Section Application Notes contains additional technical information